Definitely NOT the Hostess with the Mostest!

I am a party goer, but definitely not a party planner! It might have to do with the fact that I've never had a real party I've hosted myself. I never had a big birthday bash or a sweet sixteen or anything that. My parents never emphasised the need for anything like that in my life, so it never evewn became a concern or indulgence. I've attended plenty and have had great times, but it was never the size or the glamour of the party that made it memorable. And I know I'm waaayyyy to lazy and you could say "frugal" to care about the little details of a gathering.
To some, that what makes or breaks an event. To me, it's a BIG WASTE OF TIME. The most important thing to me is spending time with the people I love or even just like and making sure everyone enjoys themselves. And to me, the color scheme of the room or the way the food is layed out does not determine that. It's the company you keep, the coversation you have, and the laughter you hear.
Fine, if you wanna call me classless or cheap or whatever...I don't really care. And it's because I know at the end of the day, I still had a waayyyy better time than you. Also, I can look back and not think it was worth it, but KNOW it was worth it because I didn't have to break the bank! And really, I don't have the time in the day to think about all that crap...uh excuse me, I have a job and there are bigger concerns in the world.

So there...that's all.