Seriously...what is the rush?
What people don't realize that what being an "adult" being "mature" and having "experience" all really means "being responsible". We want to have all the fun without any of the responsibility or repurcussions, when it reality there is no time more fun than being a kid. You'll never be as energetic, full of potential, or untainted by cynics of the world than in your childhood. Now, I'm not foolish enough to believe that this is absolute. I know that not everyone has a wonderful childhood and unfortunately too many kids come from broken homes. However, a lot of family issues are generational as well as systemic, so problems need to be addressed somehow. This is not only the kid's fault, adults need to grow up and let kids be kids. Yes, a responsible child in the home will make life a little easier. But do not confuse this with a child who acts like an inresponisble adult, this will undoubtedly cause turmoil in the home. Therefore, let us encourage kids to be kids. I think its when we place the worries and responsibilities of adults on children that they begin to think that they are entitled to be treated as adults. Similarly to how God did not want Adam and Eve to eat the apple of the knowsledge of Good and Evil. Suddenly, we humans believe we know what is best and what is right and wrong, when in actuality we are only children who really are not ready for such responsibility. We must rely on God to show us the right way. Yes, its important to think about the future and prepare, but everyone, especially children need to live life today and not worry about the future. God will take care of tomorrow.