A Starry Starry Night, is the story of two young kids and the friendship they form whilst encountering the harsh realities of life. Its a truly touching film that beautifully depicts the mind of a child who is experiencing the breakdown of their family. The loss, the anger, the confusion is presented subtly, but still so effectively. So much of this film is communicated through small expressions and meaningful glances. It is reflective of the tense situations in which not much is said and not much can be said, however the obvious lack of spoken words speaks volumes. Even the relationship between the heroine and hero is not one of deep conversational connection, however their appreciation and mutual understanding of one another is clear and deeply felt by both. I also really appreciate the honestly and lack of pretense in their relationship which is probably due to their young age. [That's another thing that sucks about aging, you become more self-conscious].
This film is not a tear-jerker, thank GOD! but it does tug at your heartstrings and leave you with a "kind" ending.